The Greatest Gift That Chiropractic Can Give

chiropractor sacramento

chiropractor sacramento

Remember what it felt like to be young and unencumbered? 

One of the greatest benefits of chiropractic is how it improves range of motion, impacting flexibility, reaction speeds, balance and coordination. It’s no wonder that many athletes swear by chiropractic to keep them on top of their game. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we see the impact that sedentary lifestyles have on a human’s flexibility: it is a very sad sight and we are here to change that.

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The Importance of Your Sacroiliac Joints

chiropractor sacramento

chiropractor sacramento

How do my legs connect to my upper body?

No really, how do they? Think about how your legs connect to the upper body and you will be thanking the structures known as sacroiliac (SI) joints. These powerful and pivotal points connect the pelvic bones to the sacrum, and are responsible for conducting force and weight between the upper body and the legs. They are supported by a complex system of ligaments and muscles that provide strength to the region.

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