Caloric Balance
Counting calories is an unpleasant reality of aging. For people who spend most working days in the office, the struggle to maintain equilibrium can often tip in the favor of more calories consumed than burned. As we age and metabolism starts to slow, we start to see and feel the excess. So often the odds are stacked against us because we start at a point of disadvantage: the more weight we have to shed to achieve, the less likely we are to take the initiative and follow through with a weight loss plan. The best way we have found is to take it slow and do it together.
When envisioning and implementing any weight loss plan, we want to keep sight of the primary equation. To maintain a healthy weight, calories consumed = calories burned. For people who are modestly overweight and looking to reach their personal, “healthy weight,” it will take a coordinated effort between diet and exercise. This means limiting calories and increasing activity.
Can you cut 2.5 hours out of every week to devote to moderate aerobic activity? Can you cut out 500 calories a day to lose 1 pound per week? Perhaps that sounds drastic, so we start where you feel comfortable and build on your success. Because each person’s body is different, each person’s caloric needs are specific to the individual.
We help by keeping the structures and muscles of your body in proper working order, improving your circulation, and providing you with a natural energy boost that both improves state of mind and motivates you to get moving. From here it is a matter of small lifestyle adjustments and we help to provide an accountability and moral support team that boosts your chances of success.
Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.