A Holiday of Health: Treating Your Body Right with Chiropractic

Muscle therapy christmas sacramento

Muscle therapy christmas sacramento

The holiday season is a time of renewal for your muscles

 Many of us will be sitting at home around Christmas time, watching our kids running around the tree and wondering, “how did I become so stiff?” The answer to that question is complex, and it takes into account every action (and inaction) that you’ve taken up to this point in your life. But the important thing to remember is that no matter how stiff you are, it’s never too late to start making improvements. Your muscles have been working hard all year long- the holiday season is a time to thank them and take stock of how you can help them out.

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Posture Reset: Sit Better Right Now

postural health

postural health

Take stock of your posture right now

The most common poses when working are: sitting and standing. Chances are you could benefit from a quick posture adjustment. It goes like this: 

  • Sit up straight and look straight ahead with your head balanced atop your spine. 
  • Move your butt to the back of your chair.
  • Pull your navel in toward your spine and up toward your ribs.
  • Roll your shoulders back and down
  • Drop your tailbone down toward the floor. 
  • Make sure you feel as though there is a straight line between your head and tailbone.

Chances are this position feels awkward- it may even hurt a bit. That is your muscles adjusting to the position they are supposed to be able to hold. Let the shame sink into those muscles and take a moment to realize that this is what good posture looks like. We need to make this the norm- but how?

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Heat and Ice: Nature’s Original Painkillers

heat and ice pain management

heat and ice pain management

Choosing heat and ice for muscle pain

Heat and ice fit in with the chiropractic adherence to drug-free pain management. For anyone struggling with chronic muscle pain, heat and ice can do wonders when used correctly. “Correctly” being the operative word; many people don’t know (or don’t care to know) the difference between the two. But understanding the difference helps you to determine when to use heat or ice to maximum effect. Do you know what heat and ice do for you? Read on to find out. 

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