Allergy Relief

Chiropractic care goes hand in hand with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A healthy immune system is your body’s best defense against unwanted pollutants such as bacteria, pollen, and dust. The immune system is weakened through prolonged exposure to physical pain and stress, unhealthy dieting, and lack of exercise. 

While there is no direct connection between chiropractic treatment and allergy or nasal relief, chiropractic treatment relieves stress on the nervous system which in turn allows the immune system function more efficiently. A more efficient immune system is they key factor in avoiding allergy symptoms to begin with.

In addition, many chiropractors encourage regular exercise and healthy dieting. Receiving chiropractic treatment and living the type of lifestyle encouraged by chiropractic care will put you on the path to optimal health.

Herniated Disc

A Spinal disc herniation (prolapsus disci intervertebralis) is a medical condition affecting the spine in which a tear in the outer, fibrous ring (annulus fibrosus) of an intervertebral disc (discus intervertebralis) allows the soft, central portion (nucleus pulposus) to bulge out beyond the damaged outer rings. Disc herniations are normally a further development of a previously existing disc “protrusion”, a condition in which the outermost layers of the annulus fibrosus are still intact, but can bulge when the disc is under pressure. In contrast to a herniation, none of the nucleus pulposus escapes beyond the outer layers.

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