Posture to: Feel Better, Look Smarter, Perform Harder!

Posture sacramento

Posture sacramento

Posture is one of the fastest ways to start boosting your health this new year

But it is not as easy as say, drinking water. Changing your posture for the better takes a concerted effort betweeen body and mind. Every moment will be a challenge as you fight to maintain your body in an upright, low-pressure position. It will take the cultivation of a certain set of muscles and the development of mental discipline to catch yourself when you slouch and slump. But the upside is too large to ignore- improving posture sets the foundation for spinal wellness that impacts every part of your waking and sleeping life. This new year, let’s make better posture a priority. 

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Sitting on the Sofa with Style

sofa posture

sofa posture

Good posture is never out of style

But sofas are hardly conducive to good posture- they are often the exact opposite. You may think that the big, fluffy sofa that you sink right into is your best friend, but we are willing to bet your spine would strongly disagree. However, relaxing is extremely important! And the sofa is a gateway to relaxation for many people, so we support sitting on the sofa as long as it is done responsibly! By staying aware of your posture and your spine’s relation to the couch, you can make minor adjustments to effect huge improvements in the way your spine feels after your next Netflix binge.

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An Essential Imbalance in Core Strength: Postural versus Phasic Muscles

core strength

core strength

There are two main types of muscles that contribute to a solid core

Sitting at your desk all day, every day, is eventually going to cause some kind of pain and dysfunction in your back, unless you take proactive measures to stop its occurence! For most people, a prescription of improving posture would suffice but its hardly that simple of a problem. No matter how many times you are told to sit up straight, you’re not going to be able to maintain it unless you have postural balance. No matter how you spin it, good posture starts with the muscles. 

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Posture Reset: Sit Better Right Now

postural health

postural health

Take stock of your posture right now

The most common poses when working are: sitting and standing. Chances are you could benefit from a quick posture adjustment. It goes like this: 

  • Sit up straight and look straight ahead with your head balanced atop your spine. 
  • Move your butt to the back of your chair.
  • Pull your navel in toward your spine and up toward your ribs.
  • Roll your shoulders back and down
  • Drop your tailbone down toward the floor. 
  • Make sure you feel as though there is a straight line between your head and tailbone.

Chances are this position feels awkward- it may even hurt a bit. That is your muscles adjusting to the position they are supposed to be able to hold. Let the shame sink into those muscles and take a moment to realize that this is what good posture looks like. We need to make this the norm- but how?

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Why You Want More Postural Transitions

postural transitions

postural transitions

What are postural transitions?

Answer: the movements you make when changing positions. These little movements range from slight adjustments like sitting up straight from slouching, to full postural changes like the transition from sitting to standing. Postural transitions have taken on a whole new gravitas as more and more Americans are transferring into the white collar work scenario. As an office of chiropractic, we wince at any job that asks you to sit for up to 8 hours a day.

  • Out of all normal positions you will adopt throughout the day, sitting is the worst position for the human spine: most experts agree that it puts an average of 125kg of pressure on lumbar intervertebral discs. 

However, we also realize that if that is how you earn a paycheck, you can use all our help in keeping your body healthy despite the burden of sitting. Postural transitioning is a key way you can do this. 

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