How to Reach Relaxation Using your Pillow



Relaxation is an identifiable state 

A basic definition of relaxation taken from Google: the state of being free from tension and anxiety. But what does it take to get to such a peaceful sounding place? When it comes to sleeping, the process begins with comfort. Feelings of comfort lead to calm, a state of harmony between body, mental processing and emotions. Calm theoretically then gives way to relaxation, allowing your body to reduce its expenditure of energy and focus on resting. This last phase is when sleep occurs, but the process, as many of you will know, is far from easy. While reducing anxiety and tension is not a simple case of getting from point A to point B, there are steps you can take, including using your pillow, to create a comfortable environment for your body and mind to seek calmness and relaxation. 

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The Single Greatest Thing you can Do for your Back

core strength Sacramento

core strength Sacramento

Why does my back hurt? And what can I do about it? 

Factors that contribute to back pain include:

  • Obesity
  • Poor diet
  • Posture and excessive sitting
  • Mental Stress
  • Acute Injury
  • Repetitive trauma

Obviously, limiting your spine to the exposure of any of these malefactors is an important way to keep your spine in a state of health. But there is one thing you can focus on more than any other if you are interested in keeping your back pain-free late into life. 

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Movement of the Spine Powers the Brain

spine and brain sacramento

spine and brain sacramento

Keeping the spine healthy is a key to overall brain functioning

Your spine is even more important than you thought: keeping the spine in alignment and keeping it moving is linked to positive maintenance of mental health- indeed, the health of your spine has a significant say in determining your mental health including emotional stability and motor control. Keeping the pathways of communication between the brain and spinal nerves open and free of interference is an essential part of wellness. 

What is the enemy of movement? Subluxation

The brain requires constant input from the nervous system to keep functioning. Movement, reaction and sensory stimulation is responsible for the majority of signalling that occurs between brain and body. Subluxation of the spinal joints has a domino effect of negative health outcomes regarding the spine and the brain. With subluxation, movement of the spine is restricted. 

Chiropractic adjustments mean better health and improved brain function

By aligning the spine, chiropractic effects a whole range of health benefits in the brain. A properly aligned spine maintains and protects the pathways that facilitate the neurological stimulation between spinal joints and the brain. This is important not only know but as we move forward in age. Your brain and spine share a symbiotic relationship- as an office of chiropractic we focus on maintaining the proper alignment of your spine so that your brain can operate to its maximum potential.

If you are interested in finding out more about how movement of the spine influences neurological functioning, give our office in Sacramento a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Making a Less Painful Pregnancy in Sacramento

Prenatal Chiropractic

Prenatal Chiropractic

Sacramento, is there such a thing as a pain-free pregnancy? 

The answer is no, but there are steps you can take to mitigate the so-called, “standard pains of pregnancy;” the ones that every mother-to-be complains about- pains in the lower back. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we specialize in chiropractic care for women at all stages of their pregnancy. 

Why is chiropractic care important for pregnant women? 

As an adjunct to the pregnancy services offered by your doctor, chiropractic is important for managing the body changes that come with pregnancy. We seek to: 

  • Support efficient nervous system and immune system functioning
  • Prevent the aches and pains of pregnancy
  • Create a nurturing environment with plenty of room for the baby to grow
  • Minimize the possibility of surgical intervention during childbirth
  • Prevent dystocia

The changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy in Sacramento

During pregnancy, the reproductive hormone relaxin is released in elevated quantities, loosening ligaments in the pelvis to help make way for the passage of the child. The unfortunate side effect is that this leaves the base of the spine weakened. Then you add on the weight of the growing child and the shifting center of gravity and you have a recipe for lower back pain. 

Chiropractic supports pregnancy in Sacramento

A common result of the aforementioned situation is misalignment in the spine, especially in the lower back. Chiropractic adjustment helps to rectify this situation, utilizing a specialized table just for pregnant women. By maintaining spinal alignment and treating myofascial pain, the following objectives are achieved: 

  • Maintain alignment and proper curvature of the spine
  • Decrease physical tension and mental stress
  • Decrease tension on the womb, known as intrauterine restraint, which reduces the amount of room available to the baby to grow.
  • Increase immune function

If you are interested in finding out more about how our chiropractic care can support your pregnancy, give our office in Sacramento a call to schedule an appointment today.