At Home Active Recovery Tips

When it comes to your recovery plan, you should be putting just as much thought into that as you do your workouts. There’s a lot you can do at home that will set you up for success, both in and out of the gym. Engaging in an active recovery protocol will help you feel your best, increase your range of motion, and help you avoid pain, discomfort, and even injury down the road.

Making sure to stretch after a workout (most importantly) will ensure that you relieve muscle tension and will help your body relax from the abuse you just put it through. Do yoga at home, if you’re able. 

Foam muscle rollers are also a good investment that will help you relieve tightness in your legs and lower back — many athletes consider foam rollers essential.

Hydrating properly will also go a long way in replenishing your body, which is likely dehydrated after a workout. 

Lastly, chiropractic treatments are a great way to ensure your body feels amazing and that both your body and mind are running at optimum capacity. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic to schedule your consultation and learn more!

Having an Active Memorial Day Weekend While Observing COVID-19 Restrictions


It might seem like in the midst of a pandemic that your options for Memorial Day weekend festivities might be limited to say the least. However, Espinosa Family Chiropractic is here to ensure that you stay productive, have a good time, and spend your Memorial Day connecting with those who you care about — whether they’re in your household or not.

First, get a little exercise. Get outside and take a hike or a long walk. If you’re flying solo and don’t plan on coming into contact with others, it’s okay not to wear a mask and to enjoy some fresh air. Try not to over-indulge, due to the fact that other people might like to enjoy some time outside as well.

Stay away from the beach. Most of them are only allowing half capacity — and only accessible to locals. Take the time to stay at home this Memorial Day. If you have a backyard, bring the party there.

Eat clean, whole foods. Stop by the grocery store (making sure to wear a protective mask indoors, of course) and pick up a few choice items from the produce and protein sections of the store. Maybe grab a nice dessert to enjoy, too!

Connect with family and friends by video application — Zoom and FaceTime are both incredibly useful tools during this time. It’s a great way to have a virtual Memorial Day get-together.

Espinosa Family Chiropractic is available after this Memorial Day if patients would like to get more serious about your health and wellness protocol. Our treatments help boost the immune system, provide drug-free pain relief, help boost cognitive function, and much, much more. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for one of our essential treatments.

Simple Tips for More Productive Remote Work

Many employers are griping about the drop in productivity since their employees have gone remote amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why it’s important for you to differentiate yourself from the rest of your peers. Did you know that you could actually use this time to prove to your employer that you can actually be… gasp… MORE productive while working from home?

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few tips that will help you get more out of yourself when it comes to your work.

 Set Aside Chunks of Time to Work

If you have more than a few distractions at home (we all tend to), then it’s important to set aside chunks of time that you dedicate to work responsibilities. If nobody’s looking over your online shoulder, work for 20 minutes uninterrupted, then take a quick 5-minute break, then get back to work for 20 minutes. Do this 4 or 5 times, then take a longer break that is more like 15-30 minutes. 

Avoid Distraction

Think of distraction as the plague and do your best to rid yourself of it, especially during a workday. Turn off your phone and, if necessary, utilize one of those apps that block you from your favorite time-suck websites. 

Turn to Chiropractic

Chiropractic treatment provides pain relief and also optimizes your body and brain, which will make you more productive on a daily basis. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to learn more about how our treatments will help unlock the best version of you, even during the most uncertain times.


Immune System Tips for Essential Workers

Essential workers who are continuing to work through their daily grinds are feeling added pressure from the COVID-19 epidemic. Fear is running rampant among those who are still responsible for showing up for work while closures are still in effect more many businesses.

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways to boost your immune system so your body is ready to fight on your behalf.

Eat Clean and Healthy Foods

Eat plenty of veggies and try to incorporate foods that are packed with vitamin C, like oranges and red bell peppers. Elderberry juice will also give you an added immune system boost. Staying away from alcohol, processed foods, and sweets will also go a long way in helping you avoid inflammation that overloads your immune system.


Make sure to get some cardio and strength training in before or after your shift, that way your body is prepared to handle the stress and demands of your job without putting your health in jeopardy.

Visit Your Local Chiropractor

Chiropractic treatments are deemed essential in these times and Espinosa Family Chiropractic is here to provide our drug-free pain relief treatments that also give your immune system a major boost. Contact us today to learn more!

Protecting Your Body While Working from Home


When we all first started this COVID-19 closure thing, it’s definitely true that some of us were better prepared for working from home than others. Now that we’re a couple of months into self-quarantine and sheltering in place, even with many businesses beginning to open up for curbside service, many of us continue to work from home.

Below, Espinosa Family Chiropractic goes over a few ways to trick out your home workspace and give yourself the self-care you need to set your body up for health and success during this time.

Office furniture can be notoriously uncomfortable, so it’s a good idea to invest in ergonomic office accessories, products like standing/elevating desk or elevating desk converter kits that help you switch up the monotony of sitting around in a chair all day.

Investing in a chair that gives you proper neck and back support is a good idea, and alternating between using that and an exercise ball chair will help you support your back while activating your core throughout the workday.

Building a yoga and a meditation practice will also help you fortify your body and mind against the pressures you put on them throughout the workweek. They’re a great one-two punch for stress and tension. 

Know what else is the perfect antidote to the at-home work week? Chiropractic treatment! Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation with us.

Taking Your Life Back While Observing Social Distancing Regulations

As more and more counties begin to lighten up on their social distancing regulations, it’s important to consider your own health and how much it might have declined, even without you knowing or feeling it. The truth is, by isolating ourselves and staying indoors we’ve compromised our own health and immune system in order to serve the greater good. Now that the numbers are in and the COVID-19 curve is flattening out, it’s a good idea to take responsibility over our own health as social distancing regulations begin to slowly lift.

Eating good foods and getting plenty of sleep will help your immune system work at optimum capacity. By limiting sugar, processed carb, not to mention alcohol and smoking, your body will respond by working well. Sugars and processed carbs promote inflammation, which makes your body more susceptible to infection.

Exercise a little more and get outdoors a little more. We need Vitamin D to live out healthy lives, and we’ve all been a little sun-deprived during the COVID-19 pandemic, and understandably so. Remember to wear sunblock to limit UV exposure.

One of the big takeaways from this experience is that we should all change our habits to live out healthier lives. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic today to learn about how our treatments go hand-in-hand in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

COVID-19 Update — Lighter Restrictions and What to Expect Next

As many counties begin to brace for reopening certain nonessential retail spaces, government-imposed restrictions will begin to be less extreme and severe as COVID-19 begins to wane on its societal effects. Granted, people are still getting very sick, but it’s now time for those who are healthy and well to get back to work as soon as it’s proven safe.

This means that more and more people will be getting outside for activity. That means you should get your outdoor stuff in before rush hour — which occurs at 9 am and at 5 pm. If you’re more advanced in age or susceptible to COVID-19, this goes doubly true for you.

If you’re sick, continue to stay at home. Moving forward, it’s a good idea to practice new standards of cleanliness, not to mention wear a mask in public if you’re sick while staying at home whenever possible. It’s time to get a little more serious about health standards… even in our biggest and most popular cities.

Protect your own immune system by eating healthy and by getting outdoors when you can. It’s safe to have interactions with those in your household and it’s also probably not as unsafe as the media tells you to come into contact with someone who you deem as a low risk for carrying, contracting, and being harmed by this infectious disease.

We’ve all been doing great and now we see the light at the end of the tunnel. We have a feeling this summer is going to shine extra bright. Contact Espinosa Family Chiropractic to learn more about how our treatments can boost your immune system.