Portion Control: Christmas Dinner Edition

Christmas dinner diet

Christmas dinner diet

During Christmas dinner, self control often flies out the window

The table is set and your eyes are agog; every single dish looks enticing. And hey, it’s Christmas, why not indulge yourself this one night out of the year? Talk about a dangerous scenario for weight-watchers, albeit a very common one. Holiday recipes make it very difficult to stick to your normal, healthy eating routine. Read on to find our tips for controlling yourself at Christmas dinner.

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An Anti-Inflammatory Christmas Feast

Inflammatory christmas sacramento

Inflammatory christmas sacramento

Christmas is full of dietary pitfalls

While watching weight will be a primary priority for most people, back pain sufferers should pay attention to the amount of inflammatory agents they consume. Many christmas recipes are chalk full of inflammatory ingredients; sugar and saturated fats are among the worse culprits. We don’t want you to skip out on your favorite meals, but a dash of awareness goes a long way when it comes to managing your back pain this holiday season.

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