Chiropractic Blog


Caloric Balance

By Espinosa | August 13, 2016

Counting calories is an unpleasant reality of aging. For people who spend most working days in the office, the struggle to maintain equilibrium can often tip in the favor of more calories consumed than burned. As we age and metabolism starts to slow, we start to see and feel the excess. So often the odds…

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Swim Away the Pain

By Espinosa | August 9, 2016

Getting wet could be your ticket to a healthier spine. We always tell people, when trying to improve the state of your spine, or to rehabilitate an injury, movement is key. Movement reduces pain, but pain reduces movement. The key is to get out of this cycle and we can help: our chiropractic adjustment will…

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airplane food

On the Airplane

By Espinosa | August 4, 2016

The simple sight of an airplane or the thought of an airborne voyage can be enough to set some back-pain sufferers jittering with anticipation. The plane is one of the worst places for backs because of the confined spaces and poorly designed chairs. It is unfortunate that people actively avoid travelling to their dream destinations…

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Healthy Vacationing

By Espinosa | August 3, 2016

Vacation raises the spirits. boosts energy levels, and strengthens the mind’s resolve. It offers a crucial respite to the many days of work that pile on both mental and physical stress. So, are you headed to the mountains for a camping getaway? to a tropical beach to do nothing but read books and swim? or…

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Stretching to Stay Pain Free

By Espinosa | July 26, 2016

Pain limits movement: this we know to be true. Pain is often enough to discourage people from exercising completely, to the detriment of their rehabilitation. Excluding more severe injuries, successful rehabilitation often depends on keeping your body moving. Benefits of more flexibility include: Prevention of injury  Better balance and coordination  Easier aerobic exercise Improved athletic performance …

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sinus infection

Sinus Headaches

By Espinosa | July 23, 2016

Sinuses can be your friend or foe depending on how well they are working: it is generally agreed that the function of sinuses (the air-filled cavities in the forehead and cheek bones) is to conduct the drainage of mucus from the nasal passageway by allowing air to circulate freely. However, as anyone who has had…

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corrective exercise

Corrective Exercise

By Espinosa | July 23, 2016

At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we believe in a holistic approach to health: from this perspective, a chiropractic adjustment to relieve pain and re-establish balance is only the beginning. To continue the path of healing and improving wellness, it takes a coordinated effort between exercise, nutrition, sleep, posture and a host of other factors. For many…

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The Importance of Flexibility

By Espinosa | July 16, 2016

One of the greatest benefits of chiropractic is how it improves range of motion, impacting flexibility, reaction speeds, balance and coordination. It’s no wonder that many athletes swear by chiropractic to keep them on top of their game. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we see the impact that sedentary lifestyles have on the standard human’s flexibility:…

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health nutrition

Nutrition for a Long Life

By Espinosa | July 8, 2016

At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, spinal adjustments form the basis of our practice; however, our expertise extends to the realms nutrition and corrective exercise for those seeking total wellness. Immune function is certainly improved by ensuring the proper alignment of the spine, but to live a long life free of pain we need to be eating…

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summer fun

Summer Time

By Espinosa | July 6, 2016

Summer is a time to feel fine: plentiful sunshine, longer daylight hours and rich, colorful surroundings make us feel immediately happier. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we love summer because it gets people outdoors, exploring the things that truly make them happy after a winter that can sometimes become monotonous. Here are a few ways you…

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