Fall Wellness Tips
If you’re looking for ways to stay active and fit this Fall season, then Espinosa Family Wellness has you covered!
First, take your exercises outdoors, which will help you recharge a bit and get some fresh air. You’ll also find yourself working different muscles than you would on the treadmill since you’re not on a running track. You can either trail run outdoors or take your active recovery regiment outside to a secret nature spot. We won’t tell!
Next, try to incorporate some bonafide Fall flavors into your nutrition plan — and we don’t mean pumpkin spice lattes over here. Prepare some hearty roasted Fall vegetables — squash, zucchini, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts are all packed with essential vitamins and minerals that will power you through the Fall season.
Lastly, chiropractic treatment is a great way to rid yourself of those cold season aches and pains you’ve been living with. Our treatments provide drug-free pain relief that helps our patients avoid prescription drug usage. We’re all about keeping our patients healthy and well full time over at Espinosa Family Chiropractic. Contact us today to learn more about how we’re helping patients stay safe and healthy during this pandemic.