chia seeds

Food for Convenience and Nutrition?

chia seeds

When it comes to diet in America, I think it is prudent to focus on how delicious, nutritious foods can be just as convenient and immediately gratifying as fast food. Foods like flax seeds and chia seeds are the new salmon and blueberries. They are foods that provide a full serving in 2 tablespoons but contain a range of health benefits that can boggle the brain. The verdict is in: super foods make your life simple. 

Here are some of the foods that you should look for next time you make a pass through the grocery store. 

  • Chia seeds: omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, protein, calcium and magnesium. What could be better for a person with arthritis than something packed with anti-inflammatory and bone strengthening properties. 
  • Hemp seeds: protein packed, containing all the essential amino acids necessary for growth and repair of muscle and also contain omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. 
  • Seaweed: Before you protest, it can be cooked deliciously. And when you consider the health benefits, it becomes a no-brainer: seaweed is packed with omega-3s, and is full of minerals that are important for bone health including calcium and magnesium. 

I selected these three superfoods because they all contain health properties that can be combined with a chiropractic treatment plan. Nutrition is amazing because it offers you the variety to specifically tailor a diet to your needs. Any and all of these foods can be found in concentrated forms such as powders that can be thrown into any meal for a boost. Sometimes, all it takes is a conversation to unlock the thirst for the power of nutrition in a person’s life. At Espinosa Family Chiropractic, we are here to initiate this conversation. 

Dr. Raymond Espinosa, D.C.